It's A Jungle Out There!
The children will take a river cruise in The Great Jungle Journey: An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation.
We will cruise through jungle rivers, making stops at seven ports of call along the way-each starting with a C.
These represent seven key biblical events-the 7 C's of History.
The children will see a world of wonder that will delight senses and captivate hearts and minds.
Our Vacation Bible School is for preschoolers aged 4-5 (children must be 4 and potty trained at the beginning of VBS)
plus those who have just completed kindergarten through eighth grade.
Your children will have music, Bible stories, crafts, and recreation time.
This year we are offering an optional meal to be served instead of a nightly snack during VBS week, Sunday through Thursday.
Meal time is 5:30-5:45 pm in our fellowship hall. You must select the Nightly Meal option as you register your children to participate.
Please register by July 17 for the meal option so that we can adequately prepare.
Parents, you can also join the meal for a fee of $2.50 per adult per night. Please select this option as you register.
Payments can be made on your first night. Cash or checks only. Detailed information will be sent to you after you register via email.
Our mission project is Quarters for Operation Christmas Child. We will be collecting quarters for our OCC project in the fall.
This will help us purchase items and pay for shipping for our boxes. The children will learn more about Operation Christmas Child during VBS.
Friday evening is family night. Details on that will come to you during the week of VBS.
Children who register by July 17 will be entered into a drawing for our VBS Prize Package. The winner must be present to receive their package.
Please contact the church office if you need transportation assistance.
A week of cruising adventure awaits!