Scriptures instruct us to SING praises to God! It is very important to God that we lift our voices to Him, to sing the glory of His name, to worship and adore Him, and to express our trust in Him as well as our thankfulness to Him. We are told to use instruments to raise sounds of joy, to play SKILLFULLY, and to make His praise GLORIOUS! The scriptures even tell us WHAT to sing: Psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, and NEW songs! (1 Chronicles 15:16, Psalm 150, Psalm 33:3, Psalm 66:31).
These are our guidelines for Newfound Baptist’s music ministry as well as for our congregational singing. If you are looking for a new church home, come visit us and experience the joy of vibrant worship and in celebration of our Savior.
Open to youth through senior adults, our choir works diligently each week to prepare quality anthems, cantatas, etc. for worship services and seasonal events. Most exciting is their role of leadership in congregational singing. Whether we are learning the newer, more contemporary hymns or are making the older hymns come to life by adding exciting accompaniments, descants, and the occasional addition of handbells, trumpet, and other instruments, the singing is robust and the result glorious! If you have interest in either visiting or joining our choir or instrumental group, please phone the church office for further information.
Our handbell choir truly does make a joyful noise to the Lord! Our congregation enjoys and worships with our handbell choir through seasonal specials at Christmas and Easter as well as various other times throughout the year. Whether experienced or inexperienced, if you are a music reader and are interested in playing with our bell choir, contact the church office and let us know of your interest.
Our children’s choir will resume at a later date. Please keep a check on this site for updates.